
Half Sock Geometry

Kenji Alucky (of Black Ink Power in Berlin) is doing a guest spot at the recently featured German tattoo studio Scratcher’s Paradise, which is of course staffed by anything but scratchers. This amazing geometric dotwork tattoo with a little mandala in the middle of it is quite stunning, especially because right now the toenails are temporarily discoloured from the tattoo ink staining them. I think I might take this as inspiration to start painting my toenails were this my foot.

Actually, Facebook Friends Tattoo Was A Hoax

I thought that “social tattoo” looked a little too shiny. The tattoo artist who was thanked in the credits of the YouTube video showing a woman getting 152 of her closest Facebook friends inked on her arm has informed a Dutch newspaper that the video was a hoax:
Rotterdam tattoo artist Dex Moelker eventually came clean on the Telegraaf website, admitting the tattoo and video is an advertising stunt.
‘It is a try out tattoo, a transfer, that washes off in a couple of days,’ Moelker, who has a tattoo shop in Rotterdam, told the paper. It took a couple of hours to apply the transfer not the 30 hours the video claimed to produce the real tattoo.